Enrolling at our school
We value every student and family who joins our school and surrounding community.
To enrol at Nerang State High School please contact our administration office via email or telephone to schedule an enrolment interview appointment.
Appointments are held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and usually take approximately 30 minutes. Prior to the enrolment interview students in Years 9 to 12 should have perused the relevant subject guide with Parents/Caregivers to discuss the subjects on offer so any questions you may have can be answered during the interview. Parents/Caregivers are asked to read the school Parent Handbook with their student prior to the interview. Enrolment paperwork, finance details and uniforms can be organised at the conclusion of the interview.
The following documentation is required at the time of the enrolment interview:
- Student's birth certificate
- Student's passport and visa (if born overseas)
- Student's two most recent school reports
- Copies of any Custody or Legal paperwork
- Copies of any Diagnosed Medical Conditions
When transferring between schools:
- consider
timing - will the move coincide
with the change of term
- involve
your children in discussions and decisions about moving - this may help
allay any fears or concerns they have if you are moving from another
state, be aware that Year 6 is the final year of primary school in
- discuss
the forthcoming move with your current school and collect documentation
outlining student achievement levels and education history
- prepare
a list of your children's particular needs - e.g. preferred subjects,
sporting and other interests
- transport
needs, extracurricular activities
- consider
subject choices, special education provisions, transport to and from
school, traineeship programs, and cultural and sporting opportunities
- consider
behaviour management, discipline and uniform policies, the school
buildings and grounds.