The Senior Secondary
years at Nerang State High School are Years 10, 11 and 12. Students in
these year levels are distinguished from the rest of the school by their school
uniform and the expectation that they will be positive role models for students
in Junior Secondary. Students in Senior Secondary have the opportunity to
develop their leadership skills, explore future pathways and excel in the
educational fields they have chosen. Leadership skills are developed through
participation in the Gold Coast Junior Council, ABCN Programs, Student Council
and the Senior Leadership Team. In Year 10, students are able to choose
subjects that are predominately academic or vocational. These pathways reflect
student interest, their strengths and their aspirations. Students are provided
with opportunities to ensure that their choices are attainable through the SETP
Program, the Career Expo and support from their SETP Mentor.
Senior Schooling Team
Queensland Certification of Education (QCE)
In Senior Secondary, all students are required to work towards achieving their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE). The QCE is Queensland's senior secondary schooling qualification. It is internationally recognised and provides evidence of senior schooling achievements. The flexibility of the QCE means that students can choose from a wide range of learning options to suit their interests and career goals.
To receive a QCE, students must achieve a set amount of learning, at the set standard, in a set pattern, while meeting literacy and numeracy requirements.

Griffith University Early Start to Tertiary Studies (GUEST)
In Years 11 and 12, students are able to pursue their academic aspirations through programs such as Griffifth Biology, Griffith Chemisty or Physics and the GUEST (Griffith University Early Start to Tertiary Studies) Program. Further information is provided to students through the Guidance Officer, HODs, the University Showcase and the Wellbeing Program.![]()
Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Students who elect to follow a vocational pathway are supported through the VET (Vocational Education and Training) courses offered at Nerang State High School. Courses are offered in the following curriculum areas: Business, Industrial Technology & Design/Trades, Humanities and Physical Education.
Nerang SHS (RTO Code: 30085) offers the following qualifications on our scope:
| Certificate I in Furnishing (Year 10) |
| Certificate I Workplace Skills (Year 10) |
| Certificate II Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways (Year 11 and 12)
The following VET qualification are offered with external RTOs – refer to Senior Subject Handbook for further information.
| Certificate III Active Volunteering (Volunteering QLD – RTO 6020) |
| Certificate III in Aviation – Remote Pilot – Visual Line of Sight and Spatial Technology Pathway (AVI) (Aviation Australia - RTO 30770) |
| Certificate III in Sport, Aquatic and Recreation + SIS20115 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation (Binnacle Training – RTO 31319)
| Certificate II Hospitality (Aurora Training – RTO 32237) |
| Certificate I Finance (Smith Family – RTO 6351) |
| Diploma of Business (Aurora Training – RTO 32237) |
| Diploma of Nursing (TAFE - RTO 0275)

Trades @ Nerang
The following VET qualification are offered in partnership with TAFE (RTO – 0275) to deliver our Trades @ Nerang Signature Program – refer to Senior Subject Handbook for further information.
| Certificate I in Construction
| Certificate II in Engineering Pathways |
| Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways
Students who successfully finish the course will
be issued with a nationally recognised Qualification by TAFE Queensland as the
RTO. Students who achieve at least one unit (but not the full
qualification) will receive a Statement of Attainment on request. Partial
completion of Certificate II qualifications contribute QCE points on a sliding
scale, dependent upon the number of units completed.
School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SATs)
Students also have the opportunity to participate in School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SATs). SATs are emailed to students weekly, therefore, students are reminded to check their emails regularly for opportunities. Students and Parents/Caregivers are welcome to contact our Industry Liaison Officer (ILO) Mrs Shelley O'Sullivan on (07) 5503 7861 for further information.
TAFE - Schools Program
TAFE Queensland Gold Coast offers school students from Year 10 the opportunity to enrol in TAFE to complete a Nationally Recognised Qualification which contributes credit points towards their QCE. Students attend TAFE one day a week whilst still at school. This enables students to fast track their career. More information is available on the TAFE Queensland website.
Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme
All categories of the Duke of Edinburgh Award (Bronze, Silver and Gold) are offered as an elective subject to years 10, 11 and 12. A benefit of completing an award is the provision of additional QCE points in the 'complementary' category of learning. Please note that Year 11 and 12, Silver and Gold Awards, are offered 'offline' as an additional subject in before and after school arrangements. Refer to Senior Subject Handbook for further information.
QCE Points
Gold - 2
Silver - 1
Bronze - 1
Senior Schooling Policies and Procedures
Please read Nerang State High School's Senior Schooling Policies and Procedures document for further information on:
- Student Responsibility
- AAAs (Attendance, Attitude and Achievement
- Senior Assessment Policy and AARA
- QCE and QCIA
- Wellbeing
- Warning of Cancellation
- Uniform
- Behaviour
- Driving to School Form
- Stamp of Approval (end of Year 12 requirement)
Link & Launch Program
Nerang SHS has been privileged to be part of the Link and Launch initiative which aims at connecting with young people who have completed Year 12 but have not yet transitioned to further study, training or employment. Amy Gorton, our Link and Launch Coordinator, will assist young people to make a successful transition. Some of the options available through the program include:
- free apprenticeships and traineeships for under 25s
- free TAFE for under 25s
- skilling Queenslanders for work programs
- back to work subsidies
- alternative entry to University – those who didn't achieve their desired ATAR score
- employment
- federal incentives and participation programs such as JobMaker and JobTrainer.
Please do not hesitate to contact Amy if you have any questions or know of any young people who may benefit from her assistance.
Mobile: 0460 024 285