
New QCE System


The new senior assessment and tertiary entrance (SATE) systems will commence for Queensland students who enter Year 11 in 2019.

The new systems include:

  • a new senior assessment model that combines school-based assessment with external assessment
  • new processes to strengthen the quality and comparability of school-based assessment
  • From 2020, there will also be a new way to rank students who wish to apply for university. The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) will be used to rank eligible Year 12 graduates, rather than the Overall Position (OP). ATARs will be calculated and issued by the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC).

QTAC is also pleased to introduce My Path!

This first of its kind, My Path is an innovative tool that helps Year 10 students choose their senior subjects, determine their ATAR eligibility and check whether their senior subject selection will meet preprequisites for courses they may want to pursue after Year 12.

My Path enables access to the most up-to-date tertiary prerequisite information available.

For more information regarding the new ATAR and My Path systems, please go the following link: External link

Last reviewed 10 November 2020
Last updated 10 November 2020